Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Guard Llama?

Many goat herders or sheep shepherds have BIG problems with loosing kids to predators. Ever animal lost on your farm is not only a lose of time but money. Why not cut your loses and get a guardian for your livestock. Well you instantly think the cost of feed for a LGD (livestock guardian dog) will counter balance. News flash! Why not get a guard llama?! They eat on browse and are low maintenance. The extent of maintenance is regular worming, occasional hoof trimming, and annual shearing. A llama is silent for the most part and won't wake you up at night with obnoxious noises. Llamas make excellent guardian against coyotes and such. The intellect of a llama is the number one weapon it contains. Llamas are know to herd sheep, and goats into your barn in the event that a predator is present. Llamas will spit but only when threatened and like with all animals if you treat them with respect they will rarely spit on you. Guard llamas are an excellent way of protecting your herd. There are certain criteria you should look for when selecting your guard llama. It should be of at least two years of age. Growing up in a llama herd is a must. The llama herd will teach your guard llama to be protective of his herd members. It should also be a gelding. This is a castrated male llama. Getting the right guard llama may be one of the best investment you've ever made for your herd. I myself own a guard llama and please be aware this is just a brief summary of the information you need. Please feel free to ask questions in the comment box and I will reply as soon as possible.

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